Hi again!
Last week was the pre-alpha playtest, enabling us to get that sweet, sweet feedback in before the Alpha presentation that will be taking place this Thursday.
For this build, I first and foremost prioritized feedback on the controls and platforming aspects of the game rather than the actual puzzles that the game will eventually feature for the beta build. The goal was to get input on how the most fundumental aspect of the game(the player controls) felt for the player, which otherwise might render the game boring or frustrating no matter how clever the puzzles are.
The level that was presented to the player did however feature two simple puzzles with differing focus. The first challenged the player's understanding of the Cloud - a floating platform that can be created when Lumi's Fire and Terras's Water collides and can then by raised or lowered by shooting fire or water respectively on it - and the second introduced some more advanced interactable objects, such as burnable Vines that blocks sunlight, Water that is hazardous to Terra and dangerous Thorns that can be neutralized by sunlight.
I will probably go further into details with these objects in future blog posts.
While the feedback we recieved was mainly positive, I'd say the features surrounding the Cloud and certain parts of the levels were too buggy to get any feedback of value from. There was a lot of bugs pointed out that we were already aware of, which of course isn't worthless, but took away teh attention from what we really wanted feedback on - namely the player controls and to a minor extent the puzzle designs.
For this week I will have my hands full implementing assets and polishing the level for the Alpha presentation. Check in later this week for an update!

Screenshot of the pre-Alpha build