Cool guy with a taste for video games and copious amounts of Capri-Sun. I'll post about my studies on Game Design and Graphics at Uppsala University.

Design document 2.0

Publicerad 2015-03-19 17:35:16 i Allmänt,

Hello once again!
This week I've been workin on, among other things, the design document.
Last week we got the feedback on the hand-in, and we had a couple of things that we need to fix, which is what I did. There was no single large problem with the document that we had to fix, but several small things - the layout for the levels were missing, a few chapters needed more images and some other things needed further explanation.
When I started out to correct these things according to the feedback we had got, the first problem appeared: the design document was severely outdated.
There were a lot of features that had either been heavily iterated, taken away or put on hold until we could find the time to add it. This had to be taken into regard when I adjusted the document according to the feedback, and at first I was puzzled with wether I should just correct the design document as it was handed in the first time or if I should update it first.
I decided to update it, as this was something that I was planning to do at some time in any case.
In practice this meant I either removed, added or changed the parts that had changed since the first hand-in (which was in February, so quite a few things had changed) and made a changelog at the beginning of the document.
In this changelog I noted the date a certain change had occured, in what chapter of the document this change was made, what was actually changed and finally the reason behind the change.
For example, on 2th March, we decided to not have multiple levels in the game. This was, above all, because we did not have the time to create them. This affected both the Meny Flow and Level Design chapter - in the Menu Flow, we decided to scrap the World Map Menu (where the player chose what level to play) as there was no longer an option to select what map to player, and in the Level Design chapter there was no longer any use for the designs of the three different levels we had earlier.
I spent the first half of the week documenting the changes that had occured since february and then noted these in the changelog. After that, I continued with the feedback and corrected the parts that were still relevant after the changes made.

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